Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C.

With offices in California, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois, we serve clients throughout the country.

Toll Free 877-619-8966

California 424-235-1148

Pennsylvania 424-235-1148

Illinois 312-292-9296

Over $500 million in verdicts and settlements.

Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman is open and operating. Out of concern for our clients’ health, we are offering phone and virtual meetings for both current clients and those seeking information. To contact us, please call the number appropriate to your location, listed at the top of every page.

It’s Time To Fight Back

You work so you can pay your own bills, not your employer’s. If your employer is withholding legally owed wages from you or if your unpaid overtime is starting to stack up, there may be no other way to recoup your money than to file a lawsuit. If you win your case, you may be eligible to collect:

  • Back pay
  • Lawyers fees
  • Court costs

You don’t have to endure unfair payment schemes. Call nationwide wage and hour attorney Todd M. Friedman at 877-619-8966 to discuss your options. At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., we are committed to defending nonexempt and exempt employee rights alike. We serve clients throughout the nation.

California Minimum Wage In Flux

Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, the minimum wage in California was increased to $10.50 per hour for companies with 25 employees or less and $11 per hour for employees with more than 25 employees. This will increase again in 2019 to $11 per hour for smaller companies and $12 for larger employers. Meanwhile, the federal minimum wage is $7.25, where it has been for several years.

Your employer does not have the right to choose which minimum wage to pay you nor does it have the right to skirt overtime pay laws. Since the rate in California is higher than the federal rate, you are entitled to be paid the higher state rate. If you are an hourly worker making less than California’s minimum wage, you need a lawyer who can challenge the illegal terms of your employment. At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., we can help you either file a wage claim with the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or file a lawsuit against your employer to collect any back wages that may be owed to you.

In a claim like this, it is important to work with an attorney who will be with you throughout your case. At the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., you will speak
directly with a lawyer from our firm who will explore the details of your legal situation and help you understand your rights and options going forward.

Show Them You Mean Business

Getting paid fairly for work you’ve already done should not be a battle.
Email the Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman, P.C., or call us at 424-235-1148 (toll free: 877-619-8966) to schedule your free initial consultation.